Ever since September 11th 2001, this scripture verse has taken on a new and significant meaning for me. Please take it to heart and pray it today in your home or in our 24 for 24 prayer room.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."
2 Chronicles 7:14
God directs His people to do certain things. “If” you will do your part, “then” He will do His part.
“If My people, which are called by My name...”
God is addressing His people, those people that are called by His name. Today, He would be addressing Christians. God expects Christians to listen to Him, to look into His Word for direction, and to live according to it.
Pray: "Thank you Father that through Jesus you know my name. Today, direct me and show me how to live for You."
“...shall humble themselves...”
This is a very hard concept in this culture. Humility. God does not force Himself on us. He desires that you yield to Him and allow Him to take first place in your heart.
Pray: "Lord God, show me those ways that I have become proud. Help me to turn to You with a humble heart."
“...and pray...”
This is not some thought lightly tossed toward heaven as you drive to work. God desires that you come before Him and spend time in His presence.
Pray: "Hear my prayer Lord as I bow my heart to You and seek You."
“...and seek My face...”
God wants a relationship with you; to know Him in a personal and intimate way. He wants a face to face encounter with you.
Pray: "Lord, I come close to You seeking to renew a relationship that seems to have grown cold. I want to spend time with You today."
“...and turn from their wicked ways...”
You may have little habits you know are wrong, or unconfessed sins, or an unforgiving spirit; these things build up over time. Allow God to look into your heart and reveal to you your sins and then make a commitment to turn away from them.
Pray: "Father, I know there is no sin so big that You cannot forgive, and no sin so small that You will overlook. Forgive me and allow me to walk with You in a new way without the burden of sin."
The next phrases tell you that after you have done those things required by God, He will then do those things that only He can do. “He will hear from heaven, He will forgive our sins, and He will heal our land.”
Pray: "Heavenly Father, I beg you to be patient with me. I look for your forgiveness and healing touch for me, for my family, for my church, for my country."
Be a part of our 24 for 24 prayer emphasis. Call the church office TODAY at 625-LIVE and sign up for a time in our secure prayer room OR PRAY AT THAT TIME IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME. I spent an hour in the prayer room yesterday and left feeling SO blessed. I have signed up for an hour every day I am in town during these 24 days. Don’t miss out on being blessed. SIGN UP TODAY!
Your pastor and partner in ministry,