Friday, April 29, 2016

Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Part 5

The Bible does not say "Money is the root of all evil". The Bible does say we should NOT invest our money in temporal things.
So what does investing our treasure in heaven look like? When you give your time and money through the church to help other people come to Christ you are storing up treasure in heaven because when you get to heaven people you never knew on this earth will welcome you and thank you. Why?
Because you gave toward helping them find Jesus. That’s a wise investment.
The Bible teaches us that when you give even a cup of cold water, when you provide relief and love in the name of Jesus, there’ll be a reward that’s an eternal, heavenly treasure. When you use your money to make disciples, to help the poor, you’re investing in a heavenly bank account with your name on it with very specific rewards in heaven.
Now hear this…. Jesus says in Matthew 6:21 ”For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." That’s why this is so important. Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Your heart is going to be where your treasure is. Jesus says that our things, our finances, our possessions, how we handle them, how we manage them, how we invest them is LIKE A MAGNET TO OUR HEART. Our heart is inevitably going to be drawn in that direction. What happens with our finances deeply impacts our eternity. If you want to find out where a person's priorities lie, you can look at their credit card statement or look at their checkbook. If your treasure is on earth, it will be revealed in your checkbook, if your treasure is in heaven, that will be revealed as well.
“The purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives.” Deuteronomy 14:23 (TLB)
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Part 4

The Bible does not say "Money is the root of all evil." It says:
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…" 1 Timothy 6:10.
I don't know why but God has chosen money to be the acid test of our loyalty and faith. We spend our entire lives trying to make it, earn it, save it, spend it, use it, we think about it. So God chooses to use finances as the test of how much we trust Him. He wants us to ask him when we have a need and learn to be content. He wants us to know that our happiness isn't dependent on how much or little we've got. If you don't learn contentment, you'll never be happy. You never will because you'll always want more.
Matthew 6:19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal."
Jesus isn’t saying it’s wrong to save because the Scripture tells us elsewhere to save. He’s not saying that it’s wrong to prepare for the future. You know the writer of Proverbs says you need to make provision and think about what’s going to come. And it’s not wrong to have nice things. He just wants us to understand that my success, my power, or my happiness IS NOT going to come from investing in temporal things. Then He gives us some really good financial advice. He says in verse 20 “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven”.
Tomorrow we will conclude this look at God’s plan for how we use money.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Part 3

The Bible does not say "Money is the root of all evil." It says:
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…" 1 Timothy 6:10.
Have you ever bought something and are so excited about it. Then you open a magazine see they've got a newer mode and are envious? Discontentment comes when we make comparisons. Discontentment can make a rich person poor, and contentment can make a poor person rich. One of the things that Jesus is essentially trying to teach us is this: The richest are not those who have the most, but those who need the least.
In fact, all you have to do is go to another part of the world where people have so much less than what we have. When you look around and see these Christians in developing nations with nothing: dirt floors, no electricity, no hot water, no toilets that work. These people that have nothing that we take for granted, and yet they have joy, peace, and assurance. It reaffirms in us that, the richest are not those who have the most. The richest would be those who need the least. Discontentment can make a rich person poor, and contentment can make a poor person rich.
"But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. ." 1 Timothy 6:6-7
The Apostle Paul is saying we brought nothing into this world, and we're going to take nothing out. We need to recognize that if we have food, and clothing, and shelter ... If we have the basic needs, we can be content with that, because godliness with contentment is great gain.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Part 2

One of the most commonly misquoted verses of the Bible is, "Money is the root of all evil. That is not what the Bible says,
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil…" 1 Timothy 6:10.
This is what Jesus has to say about money.
“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money” Matthew 6:24
Notice Jesus didn't say you can't serve both God and power, or both God and popularity, or both God and sexuality, or whatever. He said, "You cannot serve both God and MONEY." This is because, for many people, money will be the number one competitor for their heart. Love of money itself can be the very thing that distracts you from having the true riches that God wants to give you. Listen again to what Jesus says:
“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; a man’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions” Luke 12:15.
The Bible does not teach us that money is the root of all evil. But Jesus himself warns us to watch out for greed.
Tomorrow we will look at what the Bible has to say is the secret to being content.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Monday, April 25, 2016

Is Money The Root Of All Evil? Part 1

One of the most commonly misquoted verses of the Bible is this. So many people say, "Money is the root of all evil. That is not what the Bible says,
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” 1 Timothy 6:10.
"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil." Then Paul tells Timothy, "Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."
Love of money can be a root of all types of evil.
When we hear this, it sounds like money is bad. We have to recognize that having money is not bad. But the love of money is more dangerous than we can even get our minds around.
The Problem : Materialism.
We live in a materialistic society where our media driven culture measures you by how much we have. We keep score by what kind of car we drive, what kind of home we live in. What labels we wear. There's a lie that you see on T.V. that misquotes what the American dream is. -- Life, Liberty, and the PURCHASE of happiness. The lie is, IF I can just possess a certain thing, THEN I'll be happy. If that were true, obviously the people with the most stuff would be the most happy, but that's just not true, is it? You make a living by what you get. You make a life by what you give. Every time you give, every time you are generous, every time you resist having more, it breaks the grip of materialism.
This week we will be looking at the problem, the process and the solution of overcoming materialism and learning to be content.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Friday, April 22, 2016

Whatever Happened To Sin? Part 5

Throughout this week we have learned that:
"…And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." 1 Corinthians 10:13
Here is what I want you to understand. It doesn’t matter what sin you’re trapped in, it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been there. It doesn’t matter if you think you never can overcome it, God always gives you a way out.
Jesus is the way, he is the truth and he is the life. Jesus is the way out, he is the truth that set you free, and he is the life that endures in us forever.
Sin is serious business and it does cost us deeply, dearly and eternally but Jesus is bigger than our sin.
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, [God] is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:8-9
Through sincerely confessing our sins, He is the way out of sin, He is the truth that will set you free and He is the only kind of life that will satisfy. When you are tempted remember this, God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. He will always give you a way out.
When culture says to you, it doesn’t matter what you do as long as you don’t hurt anyone, recognize that for the lie that it is. Sin is the greatest enemy to intimacy with God and Jesus is the best friend of sinners and because we are all sinners we all need His amazing grace.
Until you see yourself as a sinner you won’t know that you have a need for a Savior who will forgive your sins. You can’t earn it and in reality you don’t deserve it. None of us do, that’s’ why the gospel is Good News because God came to us through Jesus, a friend of sinners who hang out with the lowest of the low and the dirtiest of the dirty and the biggest sinners of all but he didn’t leave them there. He became sin for us on the cross, died and on the third day he rose again so that anyone who calls on his name would be saved.
That’s Amazing!
Your pastor and partner in ministry,
Join us this weekend, Saturday at 5pm or Sunday at 8:30, 10, and 11:30 am as we continue with the series “God Never Said That”.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Whatever Happened To Sin? Part 4

There are many cultural myths about what God really says and doesn’t say about sin and human nature.
Myth #1 is that most people think they are good. NOT TRUE!
Myth #2 is that all sins are the same. THEY ARE NOT!
Myth #3 is I can still sin and then ask God to forgive me after. ABSOLUTELY NOT!
As followers of Christ and because of His sacrifice on the cross, we have died to sin. In other words since Jesus died for us and when we came to him through our faith, our sin nature no longer has power over us, we now have the power of Christ.
Why would we continue to go back to the sin that which hurts the heart of God, hurts our own lives and has the potential to hurt so many people around us?
The most miserable people in the world are not non Christians, they are Christians who know the freedom that is available to them yet intentionally disobey God.
Hear the Good News the Apostle Paul shares with us about temptation.
“No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Tomorrow we will hear about the truth that sets us free and what’s so amazing about His amazing grace.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Whatever Happened To Sin? Part 3

There are many cultural myths about what God really says and doesn’t say about sin and human nature.
Myth #1 is that most people think they are good. NOT TRUE!
Myth #2 is that all sins are the same. THEY ARE NOT!
The third cultural myth says:
Since I’ve already done it, i might as well keep doing it. OF COURSE NOT! You can’t just say, Well I'm not a virgin anymore so I might as well keep on sleeping around. NO. Or, I cheated and didn't get caught and it seemed to help me so I might as well do it again. NO WAY. Or, I already looked at pornography so might as well do it again. NO WAY JOSE’.
Anyway isn’t God going to forgive me? God’s grace isn’t a loophole for us to wiggle out of so we can keep on sinning. If you believe that then you do not truly understand God’s grace or how serious God is about sin. Sin is serious business.
Evidently, a couple of thousand years ago, that problem was just a real as it is today because the Apostle Paul asked the same pressing and relevant question in Romans 6:1.
…”Should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? 2 Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it?
On a cross Jesus died for our sins. That’s how serious God is about sin.
I believe that the most miserable people in the world are not non-Christians, the most miserable people in the world are Christians who continue to live in sin.
Tomorrow we will see that as followers of Him we have died to sin and we’ll learn of the power God gives us to overcome the temptations we have that always precedes our sinful actions.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Whatever Happened To Sin? Part 2

There are many cultural myths about what God really says and doesn’t say about sin and human nature.
Myth #1 is that most people think they are pretty good.
Myth #2 is that all sins are the same.
You hear this all the time; “Who are you to judge me, what I'm doing is no worse than what you're doing. All sin is the same.”
Romans 6:23, "for the wages of sin is death…". Now don't miss this, all unforgiven sin leads to eternal death, period. Any type of sin, any type of unforgiven sin leads to death. What we need to understand is the Bible doesn't teach that all sin is the same.
The Apostle Paul says this about sexual sin. “Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body." 1 Corinthians 6:18
He says run from sexual sin. Why, because no other sin so clearly affects the body as this one. In other words, there are different consequences to this sin than there would be to other ones. He says sexual immorality is a sin against your own body and your body was purchased by the shed blood of Jesus, so flee sexual sin.
Don't think it doesn’t matter what you do as long as it doesn't hurt anyone. God never said that.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Monday, April 18, 2016

Whatever Happened To Sin? Part 1

There are many cultural myths about what God really says and doesn’t say about sin and human nature.
Myth #1 is that most people think they are pretty good. We say,” I'm not a bad person; like most people I’m basically good, I may make some mistakes but I'm not a bad person” The only problem with that is in reality is this is simply not true. Here’s what the Bible says:
"If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." 1 John 1:8
If we compare ourselves to other people, we may be tempted to say I'm not really bad because we can always find someone much worse." Other people are not the standard to which we are compared. When we compare ourselves to a holy and a perfect God, we fall so far short.
The evangelist Ray Comfort is known for talking to people on the street and asking them these questions. I just want to ask you some questions right now.
Have ever told a lie? If you have then you are a liar.
Have ever stolen something? Then you are a thief.
Have you ever looked lustfully at somebody? Jesus tells us that if we even look at someone lustfully then it’s as if we have already committed adultery.
That makes you a lying, thieving adulterer. Welcome to the club; we are not good people; we are all sinful at our core. In fact scripture teaches us this, …”There is no one righteous, not even one. Romans 3:10
We are all sinful in the eyes of God and that is why the One without sin, Jesus Christ, came to give his life for us.
Tomorrow we will look at a second myth about sin.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Friday, April 15, 2016

My Grace Is Sufficient For You

God never said He wouldn’t give you more than you can handle. As a matter of fact He wants us to admit our weakness and rely upon Him.
In the New Testament the apostle Paul was burdened in what he describes as a “thorn in his side”. No one knows exactly if it was a physical, emotional or spiritual ailment but he begged God three different times God to take this affliction away. Paul records the response he received from the Lord in 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” …For when I am weak, then I am strong."
The power of God is made perfect when you come to the end of your own strength, admit your weakness and turn to God. Satan wants you to believe that God won’t give you more than you can handle.God never said that! The truth is, God often allows you to have more than you can handle so that you learn to depend on Him. It is in our weakness when we surrender to the all powerful will of God that we are made strong in and through him.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Tonight (Friday) Celebration Community Church presents Grace Unplugged. Grace Unplugged is a moving and inspiring new film that explores the true meaning of success. Grace Unplugged is being featured as a part of 98.5 The TRUTH’s Free Family Fun Flix offered monthly at Celebration Community Church.
Showtime is 7:05pm and admission, popcorn and pop are free.

TOMORROW (Saturday) 10:30am at the Shooting Range behind the church.

NEXT STEPS THIS WEEKEND following each service.
Come find out what it means to be a member of C3.
RSVP on the C3hays app.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Cast ALL Your Cares On Him

Well intentioned people may when trying to comfort you when you are feeling overwhelmed, “God will never give you any more than you can handle”. The problem with that statement is that it isn’t true. This week so far we have learned that God will often give us more than we can handle to teach us to put something down, to encourage us to hand something off, and trust that we are to give everything to Him. How do you do that? Psalm 55:22 tells us that we are to “Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you”
The Hebrew word translated as cast, is a word that means to cast like a fishing line. It means to hurl. It means to throw as far away from us as possible. We are not to carry our cares and burdens, we are to hurl them to the feet of the cross of Christ. So, if you are carrying a burden, if you have more than you can handle, then take this Godly advice. Put something down… Give something away…and Cast ALL your cares on God.
Let God take it, because He wants to. Cast your cares on Him, because He cares for you. Cast your cares upon Him because He cares so much that He died on a cross for you and He will carry you through when you’ve got more than you can handle.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

This Friday night Celebration Community Church presents Grace Unplugged. Grace Unplugged is a moving and inspiring new film that explores the true meaning of success. Grace Unplugged is being featured as a part of 98.5 The TRUTH’s Free Family Fun Flix offered monthly at Celebration Community Church.
Showtime is 7:05pm and admission, popcorn and pop are free.

SATURDAY 10:30am at the Shooting Range behind the church

NEXT STEPS THIS WEEKEND following each service.
Come find out what it means to be a member of C3.
RSVP on the C3hays app.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Overworked & Overwhelmed

After leading as many as 2 million people out of slavery in Egypt Moses became overwhelmed from seeing the people from morning until evening wanting advice, settling their arguments, giving them counsel and direction, and his life was falling apart because he believed he could do it all.
I am sure others told him, “Moses, God has called you to do this" and… “God will never give you more than you can handle.” That’s just not true. Jethro, his father-in-law, spoke truth to him by saying:
"What you are doing is not good. You and these people who come to you will only wear yourselves out. The work is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone." Exodus 18:17-18
So Jethro gave him some good advice. He said, “Go find some Godly men, some people whose word is good that they can’t be bought. They are people of integrity, and have some oversee thousands of people, and have another group under them oversee hundreds, another group oversee fifties, another group oversee ten." In other words hand some things off, because God did not design you to do it all.
God often gives you too much to teach you to put something down and to hand something off.
The problem is many of us are too full of pride to actually do that. We don’t want to give the appearance that we can’t handle it. Sometimes we say, “It’s just easier to do it myself than to teach someone else to help me.”
It’s time to put something down. It’s time to hand something off. This is what Moses did. He delegated a lot by handing some things off and Jethro said of this:
"That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you…you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied." Exodus 18:22-23
Let us learn from Moses. Put something down, hand something off, and tomorrow we will look at a third way to lighten your load because God never said he would not give you any more than you can handle.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

This Friday night Celebration Community Church presents Grace Unplugged. It’s the story of a talented young singer/songwriter's Christian faith and family ties that are tested when she defies her worship-pastor father and pursues pop-music stardom. Grace Unplugged is a moving and inspiring new film that explores the true meaning of success. Grace Unplugged is being featured as a part of 98.5 The TRUTH’s Free Family Fun Flix offered monthly at Celebration Community Church.
Showtime is 7:05pm and admission, popcorn and pop are free.

SATURDAY 10:30 at the Shooting Range behind the church

THIS WEEKEND following each service.
Come find out what it means to be a member of C3.
RSVP on the C3hays app.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Don’t Say AND --- Say OR

Scripture NEVER SAYS that God will never give us more than we can handle. God will often give us too much to handle. Why? Because He wants to teach us to depend on something besides ourselves.
Three things God’s word teaches us to put something down.
There is a classic story in the New Testament, when Jesus visited the home of Mary and Martha. Martha thought that she could do it all. She thought she could have cook the meal, clean the house, put out all of the niceties and then later on she could spend time with Jesus. “But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Luke 10:40
Like so many of us, Martha was overwhelmed, trying to do it all.
Jesus responded to her by saying "Martha, Martha,you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:41-42
When you are feeling overwhelmed and you are facing more than you can handle you need to earn to say one of two things. You have to learn to say “OR” instead of “AND”.
Most people today say, “Well, I can do this, AND this, AND this, AND this,” I can be a super wife AND mom AND a working professional AND a soccer mom AND a church leader AND a volunteer in the community AND this, AND that AND this AND that.
When you are facing more than you can handle don’t say AND, say “OR”. I can do this OR that, this OR that.
Just because you think you could do it all does not mean God has called you to do it all. Instead of adding to your “to do” list, most people think that highly productive people do more. Instead of adding more to your “to do” list, maybe you should add some things to your “to don’t” list.
Tomorrow we will look at being able to handle more by delegating things to others.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

This Friday night Celebration Community Church presents Grace Unplugged. It’s the story of a talented young singer/songwriter's Christian faith and family ties that are tested when she defies her worship-pastor father and pursues pop-music stardom. Grace Unplugged is a moving and inspiring new film that explores the true meaning of success. Grace Unplugged is being featured as a part of 98.5 The TRUTH’s Free Family Fun Flix offered monthly at Celebration Community Church.
Showtime is 7:05pm and admission, popcorn and pop are free. Grace Unplugged this Friday at Celebration Community Church.

SATURDAY 10:30 at the Shooting Range behind the church

THIS WEEKEND following each service.
Come find out what it means to be a member of C3.
RSVP on the C3hays app.

Monday, April 11, 2016

God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle

God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle.
You see it on refrigerator magnets. You read it on bumper stickers. It’s printed on greeting cards, over and over again. Well-meaning Christians will say, It’s going to be all right. Everything happens for a reason. Don’t give up. You can do it. You can make it. God will never give you more than you can handle. God will never, ever give you more than you can handle. The problem is, scripture never says that. It is a spiritual myth.
So where do we get this wrong belief? Well, chances are very good, most people are confusing another very important verse in scripture. The apostle Paul addressing a Corinthian congregation that has been struggling with sexual sin says this about God. ”And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out” 1 Corinthians 10:13
Scripture NEVER SAYS that God will never give us more than we can handle.
Scripture DOES say that God will never let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. No matter what Satan throws your way, whatever temptation to take you out of the will of God to destroy your life, God will always give you an escape. When you are tempted to sin…God will never let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. God is faithful. He will always give you a way to escape Satan’s temptations.
The truth is when we are talking about the burdens in life, God WILL often allow you to have far more than you can handle on your own. Tomorrow we will find out why.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Friday, April 8, 2016

A Tradition Unlike Any Other

Played for the first time in 1934, the Masters Tournament will celebrate its 80th edition this week at Augusta National Golf Club. This week will mark the only opportunity some will have to ever walk this breathtakingly beautiful golf course that has symbolized the game at its best. My brother Eddie attended in 2013 and he says “the course looked like a little bit of heaven” and I know at least one other family who is there right now in Augusta Georgia experiencing, as the trademarked slogan goes, “A tradition unlike any other”.
Bobby Jones, club co-founder, stated at the club’s opening in 1933, “Our overall aim at the Augusta National has been to provide a golf course of considerable natural beauty, enjoyable for the average golfer and at the same time testing for the expert player striving to better par.” To master the game of golf it takes more than time, talent, and technique; it takes thought. Bobby Jones flatly stated, “Golf is a game played on a five-inch course – the distance between your ears.”
While we may never get to play in the Masters Tournament, or even attend the event, there is a “Master” that we can know– Jesus Christ. Throughout the New Testament the term “Master” is utilized in connection with Jesus; the term “Lord” is also applied in the same manner. Jesus is to be the Master/Lord of our lives.
As followers we don’t simply believe a statement of faith but willingly give him our lives saying, much like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane when he cried out to his heavenly Father, “not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42.
Jesus warned of those who merely give “lip service” to his Lordship when he stated, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21
Who is the Master of your life? Who is your Lord? I want to encourage you to live out daily a tradition unlike no other… Following THE Master.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

It’s not too late to attend this weekend’s “Divinely Designed” Women’s Conference.
Registration begins TONIGHT, Friday at 5:30pm with the first session beginning at 7PM. Contact Danielle Branaman at or call 785 625-LIVE.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sharon Glasgow to Speak at This Weekend’s Women’s Conference

Sharon Glasgow is an international speaker who has touched thousands with her contagious love for Christ. She is a master storyteller and communicator compelling her audience to walk in the power of our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Word streams from her like rivers of living water; refreshing, reviving and revealing the greater mysteries of God. Sharon has a love for her audience that is fully evident both on and off stage. She is a member of the Proverbs 31 Ministries speaking team, a contributing author for The Reason We Speak, God’s Purpose for every Woman and has been featured in P31 Woman magazine. She has been a guest on the Rejoice Show and appeared on the 700 Club. We are blessed to have Sharon share with us at C3 this Friday and Saturday.
Here is what some others have said about Sharon Glasgow:
“Sharon Glasgow exudes energy and a strong stage presence in front of her audience. She is one of the best storytellers I’ve ever heard! I strongly recommend Sharon as a speaker for any even that wants lives to be radically changed. Her faith is strong in the Lord, and it is evident that He is her passion!”
-- Florence Littauer, Speaker and author
“Sharon is a gifted speaker and a dynamic Christian. She has a great sense of humor that radiates as she speaks. She has wonderful insights into God’s Word and makes application of Biblical truths to her audience.”
-- Dick Harmon, Pastor, Mount Ararat Church

I encourage every woman to attend this weekend’s “Divinely Designed” Women’s Conference. Registration begins this Friday at 5:30pm with the first session beginning at 7PM. Contact Danielle Branaman at for any questions.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

I’ve Got Baseball Fever

Monday night was the opening game of the 2016 season for my favorite team, the Chicago Cubs. Baseball has long been known as our national pastime and it also provides the most athletic metaphors in the English language. Whether or not you are a fan, we ALL speak baseballese just about every day, and all year round.
Here are a dozen examples I have used:
  1. We're not making a bit of progress with this project. We can't even get to first base.
  2. Your theology is off the wall. You're way out there in left field.
  3. Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth, while others are born with two strikes against them.
  4. Everybody's so enthusiastic about your proposal. You just hit a home run.
  5. I know you can't give me an exact price, but can you give me a ballpark figure?
  6. Chris Matthews of MSNBC is so serious, the name of his show is Hardball.
  7. On Broadway, the new musical "Hamilton” is a smash hit.
  8. I promise I'll consult you before I make any decisions. I'll be sure to touch base with you.
  9. I can't meet you today, but can I take a rain check?
  10. Let's act quickly tomorrow. Let's do it right off the bat in the morning.
  11. Melissa McCarthy is such a wild and wacky woman – she’s a real screwball.
  12. When I can’t preach I might ask Pastor Derek to pinch hit for me.

Yes, we use baseball metaphors a lot. Even in christianspeak we talk about “sacrifice”, relief pitchers getting credit for a “save” and the object of the hitter is to make it to our heavenly “home”.
God loves you, sent his Son Jesus to die for you and has been thinking of you and baseball since that start of creation because of course it was, “In the BIG INNING God created the heaven and the earth”. Genesis 1:1 ☺
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

It’s NOT TOO LATE to come to C3’s Women’s Conference THIS Friday/Saturday. Doors open Friday night at 5:30pm with the conference starting at 7pm. Saturday breakfast is available 8-8:45am with the conference starting at 9am.
$50 (includes breakfast and lunch Saturday).
Here is a direct link to the online registration!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

March (and April) Madness

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9
Many of us have been enjoying watching March Madness, (which interestingly is now ending in April), the annual NCAA basketball tournament. This year’s tournament that started with 68 teams came down to a Final Four last weekend and then there were two, North Carolina and Villanova who competed last night for the championship.
In the NCAA Tournament it's "do or die" for every team. Win and move on — lose and be done. The season is at stake with no second chances. This inescapable fact loads every game weight and consequence. Everyone gives it all they've got, because it might be their last chance of the season.
Thankfully our God is a God of second chances. Because God loves us so much, He gave us a second chance (and third, fourth, fifth…) by sending His own Son. Most Christians I've ever known are obviously thankful for this basic truth. But today I challenge you to live like you are in tournament mode.
Don’t ever take for granted God's grace and mercy. Have you ever faced a temptation and fallen into sin partly because, in your mind, you were thinking something like "Oh, God will forgive me if I mess up just this once … after all, He loves me unconditionally"? Do you ever take second chances for granted?
Don't let God's unconditional love be a mental excuse to slack off. Live life more like March Madness. After all, if we really understand what the cross meant in terms of love, grace and second chances, we'd do nothing less than giving our very best, playing with a passion that will not give up or give in.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Victory Christian Academy is having an Open House TONIGHT Tuesday April 5th at 6:30pm. At the Open House you will have an opportunity to meet the staff, review the curriculum and ask about V.C.A.’s small class sizes, affordable tuition and character building Christian values. IF YOU CALL CELEBRATION COMMUNITY CHURCH YOUR HOME… I cannot understand why you would not enroll your pre-school through 5th grade student in VCA.

Monday, April 4, 2016

What a Great Weekend at C3

This last weekend Celebration Community Church launched its inaugural Saturday evening service with over 150 adults and children in attendance. We also baptized 21 believers between our 5 weekend services.
When I am asked, HOW people should be baptized I always refer to the Bible and to the origins of the word “baptize”. “Baptizo” is a Greek word which means “to submerge in water.” Therefore, baptism by sprinkling or by pouring is an oxymoron, something that is self-contradictory. Baptism by sprinkling would erroneously mean “submerging someone in water by sprinkling water on them.” Baptism, according to the Bible should be an act of immersion in water.
Baptism illustrates a believer’s identification with Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. “Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life”. Romans 6:3-4.
The action of being immersed in the water brings to mind dying and being buried with Christ. The action of coming out of the water models Christ’s resurrection. As a result, baptism by immersion is the only method of baptism which illustrates being buried with Christ and being raised with Him. Baptism by sprinkling and/or pouring came into practice as a result of the unbiblical practice of infant baptism.
Baptism by immersion, while it is the most biblical mode of identifying with Christ, is not a prerequisite for salvation. It is rather an act of obedience, a public proclamation of faith in Christ and identification with Him. Baptism is a picture of our leaving our old life and becoming a new creation.
Congratulations to the 21 believers who were baptized at C3 this weekend!
Your pastor and partner in ministry,
P.S. Thank you Doug Folland for filling up and draining C3’s baptisteries for the last 15 years!

Friday, April 1, 2016

April Fool for Christ

Did you know that April Fools’ Day is celebrated in many countries? The custom of playing practical jokes on friends has been part of our traditional celebration dating as far back as ancient Rome. It is said to be related to the vernal equinox and the coming of spring - the time when nature fools us with the sudden changes between showers and sunshine. (Ain’t THAT the truth in Kansas)
In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul took on the so-called wise philosophers of Athens and in his God-given wisdom, he understood that it wasn't about winning the argument, or even sounding intelligent. His goal was to speak God's truth and let the Lord work on people's hearts and minds.
"Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know him, God was pleased through the foolishness of what was preached to save those who believe. But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." – 1 Corinthians 1:20-21, 27
Paul knew that "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing" - those who don't know Christ don't "get" what's so earth-shattering about the Gospel. Yet "to us who are being saved it is the power of God," 1 Cor. 1:18
This kind of foolishness is far more incredible than anything Plato could dream up or Shakespeare could scribe. This comes from the mind of God Himself.
“We are fools for Christ”... (1 Cor. 4:10a)
Your pastor and partner in being a fool for Christ,

Believers Baptisms after ALL of our 5 Weekend Services.
Register on C3Hays app at “Connect” or “RSVP”.