This week I have appointed myself to the position of “The Thanksgiving Defender” with the expressed purpose of reclaiming the HOLY in this National HOLI-day. Every Thanksgiving is an annual reminder of our nation’s Christian roots. The Pilgrims began the tradition, and Presidents Washington and Lincoln made it an official holiday.
The Pilgrims were a small congregation who because of persecution for those who would not conform with the Church of England, emigrated to Holland before deciding to come to British North America, the Jamestown settlement, so that they could worship Jesus Christ in total freedom.
The Mayflower, the ship they sailed on had to contend with some severe storms, yet they made it across the Atlantic without a causality.The Pilgrims were blown off course, and while preparing to enter into this new promised land, they penned the Mayflower Compact, which they wrote in the cabin of the ship. The Mayflower Compact says, “In the name of God. Amen. We whose names are underwritten…having undertaken a voyage for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith…do covenant and combine ourselves into a civil body politic…”The Mayflower Compact, based on the Biblical concept of covenant, eventually morphs into our Constitution’s “We the people…” Don’t ever let anyone tell you that our founding fathers and mothers were not faithful Christians.
This Thanksgiving in the midst of the food and family and football remember to tell the story of this holiday’s Godly heritage.
Tomorrow the Thanksgiving Defender will remind you of the reason we celebrate this holiday with an abundance of food.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,
Come help decorate the church building for Christmas after the 10am service THIS SUNDAY.
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