Friday, February 27, 2015

Letting Go-Taking On

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“Rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the Lord your God.” Joel 2:13
From now until Easter this daily blog will serve as a guide for you during this Lenten season. In it there will be a daily entry. Each day will contain a reading from Scripture, a short reflection, and practical ways to engage God throughout the day. Consider now, setting aside time today and each day between now and Easter to read, reflect, pray and engage GodThere was nothing Jesus was more attached to than his Father. Jesus himself said, “the Father and I are one.” What a beautiful picture. This is God’s vision for each of our lives, a deep internal reality that there is nothing that stands between God and us. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. We can easily become blind to the things that we have subtly attached meaning and significance to outside of Christ. There are times when we simply fail to see how our children or our work, or our recreational activities have somehow become the most important thing in our lives, receiving the bulk of our time, money and resources.
Lent is a season of letting go. It’s about growing in spiritual awareness; an awareness that exposes the existence of our earthly attachments (food dependence, media addiction etc) and draws us closer to the ever present passionate love of Christ.
Lent is also a season of taking on. It is about making choices that grow you closer to God (bible reading) and God’s people (church  ‘c’ommunity group attendance, service projects).
Reflect: Ask God to reveal to you anything, mindset, attitude, or behavior that has become a barrier between you and Him. Take an attachment inventory. Walk through your home or office, and in your mind give all you have to God.  Be quiet and listen to what He wants to say to you.     
Is there something He is telling you to let go of today for the next 40 days?  Certain foods? Addictive substances?  Negative thinking?
Is there something He wants you to take on today for the next 40 days? Scripture memorization? Exercise? Having a Daily Quiet Time? Daily random acts of kindness?
Giving up something for Lent will not gain you favor in God’s eyes, He already loves you fully. But giving up what may be taking His place in your life will grow you closer to Him.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

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