There's a section in U.S. News & World Report that’s called "News You Can Use" which implies that there is a lot of news you can't use. That's true. We live in an information overload society. Electronic and social media bombard us with data throughout the day. But a lot of what's out I really don't need to know.
Here is the Good News we ALL need to know. Jesus Christ, God’s sinless Son died on a cross to take on our sinful nature. He was buried in a tomb and in three days rose from the dead defeating death. If we believe in Him, trust in Him and choose to follow Him, we can experience forgiveness of our sins, a supernatural power to help us live our lives and the promise of life everlasting.
For twenty years I have been saying, “Hi this is Kyle Ermoian of Celebration Community Church and I’ve got Good News for you!” The Good News is Jesus. The Good News is the Cross. The Good News is the Resurrection!
If you can, come join us on the campus of Fort Hays State University at 9am or 11am as we Celebrate Easter with the Hays community and our C3 family! There will be uplifting music, inspiring videos, a positive encouraging message and special stuff just for the kids.
My wife Debbie and I wish you and your family a very blessed Easter.

Your pastor and partner in ministry,
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