Played for the first time in 1934, the Masters Tournament will celebrate its 80th edition this week at Augusta National Golf Club. This week will mark the only opportunity some will have to ever walk this breathtakingly beautiful golf course that has symbolized the game at its best. My brother Eddie attended in 2013 and he says “the course looked like a little bit of heaven” and I know at least one other family who is there right now in Augusta Georgia experiencing, as the trademarked slogan goes, “A tradition unlike any other”.
Bobby Jones, club co-founder, stated at the club’s opening in 1933, “Our overall aim at the Augusta National has been to provide a golf course of considerable natural beauty, enjoyable for the average golfer and at the same time testing for the expert player striving to better par.” To master the game of golf it takes more than time, talent, and technique; it takes thought. Bobby Jones flatly stated, “Golf is a game played on a five-inch course – the distance between your ears.”
While we may never get to play in the Masters Tournament, or even attend the event, there is a “Master” that we can know– Jesus Christ. Throughout the New Testament the term “Master” is utilized in connection with Jesus; the term “Lord” is also applied in the same manner. Jesus is to be the Master/Lord of our lives.
As followers we don’t simply believe a statement of faith but willingly give him our lives saying, much like Jesus did in the Garden of Gethsemane when he cried out to his heavenly Father, “not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42.
Jesus warned of those who merely give “lip service” to his Lordship when he stated, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 7:21
Who is the Master of your life? Who is your Lord? I want to encourage you to live out daily a tradition unlike no other… Following THE Master.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

It’s not too late to attend this weekend’s “Divinely Designed” Women’s Conference.
Registration begins TONIGHT, Friday at 5:30pm with the first session beginning at 7PM. Contact Danielle Branaman at danielle.branaman@gmail.com or call 785 625-LIVE.
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