This weekend is Memorial Day weekend and the “unofficial” start to summer. This time of year is a special time for me personally because it was in the Spring of 1982 at the Little Brown Church of the Valley in Studio City California that I was baptized as a believer.
Many years before that my parents brought me as an infant to a church for a “christening” but I have no memory of that event. On the other hand the first day of Spring in 1982 is a day I will NEVER FORGET. It was the day I experienced for myself, surrendering my life to Christ and committing to follow Him.
A couple of summers ago while on vacation in California, my wife Debbie and I visited that church that never closes its doors and I relived my baptismal experience of 34 years ago as if it were yesterday! Later that afternoon God led me to share the Good News of Jesus and to baptize a 40 year old former gang banger in the pool of the hotel we were staying in. Isn’t God AWESOME!!!
This weekend I encourage everyone who has not yet been baptized as an adult believer to do so AFTER our 11:30 Sunday services. Child dedications may take place during all of our services on Sunday at 8:30, 10, 11:30 am and our new Saturday night service at 5pm. Please RSVP for either child dedications or believer’s baptism on your C3 app or email me at kyle@celebratejesus.org.
Let me know if you’re ready to make the decision to be a follower of Jesus and to publicly profess our faith in Him through baptism.
God Bless you as we get ready to enjoy Summer and be sure to remember your church in your giving even when you are away on vacation.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

THIS SATURDAY WE NEED LOTS OF PEOPLE TO HELP AS WE BEGIN DEMOLITION IN OUR WORSHIP CENTER. Bring work gloves, brooms, shovels, sledge hammers, pick axes and wheel barrels to remove tile and carpet. We will gather at 8am. Stay as long as you can.

If you spend your weekends at Lake Wilson you don’t have to miss church. Come to Celebration @ the Lake, Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day at 9:30am at Foxtail campgrounds Lake Wilson.
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