Today we begin the last week of the series about the misconceptions that people think are in the Bible. Let’s recap what God never said.
Doesn’t God want me to be happy? No, not if it means doing things that conflict with what his word says. Happiness is never going to be found in the happenings of this earth. Happiness is only found in the Lord.
God will never give you more than you can handle. is a spiritual myth. God Never Said That. In fact God will often give you more than you can handle so you will stop trying to rely on yourself and learn to rely on Him.
It doesn’t matter what I do as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. That’s not true. Sin hurts everyone. We live in a culture that tolerates sinful behavior and sin hurts. That’s why Jesus died on a cross, to free us from the power that sin has over us.
"Money is the root of all evil. That is not in the Bible. What Jesus does say is, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil."
What Jesus is really saying is, “You cannot serve both God and money”. We have to get our priorities in line. God’s word says that our hearts will follow our treasure. When we put God first in our finances he promises to provide for our every need.
This week we are going to look at one of the most culturally believed lies. You may have heard it. You may of said it. You may even up until now believed it. It doesn't matter what you believe about God as long as you are sincere.
Tomorrow we will look at the controversy that arises when we use the name of Jesus.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

The Board of Directors of Victory Christian Academy is pleased to announce that Debbie Ermoian will be joining the VCA staff as the upper grade elementary teacher. Debbie has served USD 489 School District at Jefferson and Roosevelt Elementary and Hays Middle School since 1993. She has twice received “Master Teacher” honors.

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