Beginning Monday night, our church will host Vacation Bible School for the children of our church and the community. VBS will be one of the most important outreach events of the summer, possibly of the year.VBS is important because children are important to God. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me. Don’t stop them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these” (Mark 10:14).
There’s an aging of the church in America. Fewer children fill the seats than 30 years ago. VBS provides an opportunity to share the Gospel with children in an exciting manner. We have never let the size of our church or the lack of workers to ever prevent our church from hosting a VBS. Even before we had a building we put on a VBS. Jesus told us to, “Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest" (Luke 10:2). God desires children to know Him.
VBS is one of the most time-consuming, largest outreaches our church or any church will offer. As much as the work, cost and involvement is required to host a VBS, the results can and we pray will be tremendous. Will you pray today that God will bring dozens of new children to our VBS on Monday?
Do you know any young people 4 years old through incoming 5th graders? Please invite them to register for Cave Quest which begins Monday night.
For express registration you may sign up online at C3's website, www.celebratejesus.org or register at the door on Monday night at 5:30pm.
If you have any questions you may call 625-LIVE.or contact C3's Children’s Director DeLynn Rice at delynn@celebratejesus.org.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

If you want to connect with some other guys from C3 and enjoy a great meal for FREE, come to C3 Men’s Ministry Breakfast THIS SATURDAY at 8:30am. Luke Haines will be sharing about his recent trip to Israel.

Saturday at 1pm, 54 C3 college students will be leaving for a week long Mission Trip to Haiti. Please pray for the Encounter group, their safety and effectiveness in sharing the love of Christ with the children in the orphanage they will be visiting.

Memorial services for Wayne Haver will be Monday morning at 10:30 am at WaKeeney’s Veterans Cemetery.
Visitation will take place Sunday evening from 6-8pm at Keithley Funeral Home 400 E. 17th in Ellis.
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