Wednesday, December 31, 2014


Control has been a struggle for quite awhile. I want to know what is going to happen, when it is going to happen and how it is going to happen. I’m a problem- solver. If there is an issue, I want sit down and figure out all the possible solutions and determine the best one.

There are times in our lives that we can control certain things, but there are many things that we can’t control. Things good and bad that can change the course of our lives that are out of our control. This can be difficult for control freaks, like myself, to handle and accept.

Life appears to be better when I’m in control. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Here is the problem with me trying to be in control – I’m not trusting God. Faith means that I trust God is in control. When I try to take over, I’m saying I have more faith in myself to figure this out than I do in God. That’s a dangerous place to be. Things need to be done God’s way, not mine.

While I’ve improved in giving God control over the years, it is something I want to focus on in 2015. I want to give God control and trust in His goodness and His promises on a daily basis. He knows what is best for my family and I, much better than I ever could.

With that in mind, I have selected Psalm 31:14-15a for my scripture verse of the year: But I trust in you, O Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands.

Here’s to giving up control and trusting in the one who directs our paths! Looking forward to 2015 and what God has in store! Happy New Year!

Pastor Derek
Your Verse
What is your Scripture Verse of the Year?
Memorize it. Meditate on it.
Mark it on the wall of the service you attend.

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