Wednesday, May 6, 2015

“If one part suffers, every part suffers with it”...

Unlike the first Century disciples of Christ we here in America experience very little persecution because of our faith. We can go out and start a church and nobody is going to bother us.  We can go out and preach the Gospel and nobody is going to bother us.  We can set up Internet sites, create TV and radio programs, write books, make movies and T.V. shows, produce music, all to share our faith in Christ and for the most part nobody is going to bother us.  In fact, there is very little we can't do here in 2015 here in the United States to live out and share our faith in Jesus Christ.
But sadly in a way, all of this freedom has made us "soft Christians." All of the peace and freedom we have as Christians in this nation make us not really appreciate our faith in Christ.  Instead of our faith being the most important thing in our lives, it can simply become just part like belonging to a country club, or having a hobby we enjoy.  I think that the main reason we take our Christianity lightly is because we pay no real price of any kind. We know that our salvation is gift from God and that Jesus already paid that price. It costs us nothing after we are saved to be a believer in Christ here in the United States. Sure there have been growing restrictions on Christians expressing their faith in America over the last 40 years.  We can't pray in public schools. Sometimes local town councils won’t allow Ten Commandment or manger scenes in town squares, or department stores may discourage their employees from saying "Merry Christmas". But for now that is about the extent of Christian persecution we face today. But please be aware that persecution of Christians around the world is greater today that at any other time in history.
Remember 1 year ago when over two hundred girls were abducted from a Nigerian boarding school and sold into slavery by a gang of Muslim Extremists called Boko Haram? Or last February when 21 Coptic Christians were beheaded on a shores of the Mediterranean in Syria. Or during Easter week when 147 Christian students in Kenya were singled out and killed for no other reason than they identified themselves as followers of Christ! The persecution of Christians around the world is greater than at any other time in history. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. The Apostle Paul writes to the church in Corinth that we the church are the body of Christ and “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.” 1 Cor. 12:26
If you would like to find out more about the persecuted church go to Voice of the Martyrs at  or Open Doors at
Your pastor and partner in ministry,
NATIONAL DAY of PRAYER THURSDAY @ noon on the Ellis County Courthouse Steps

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