Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why Study a Book of Prophecy Like Revelation?

Revelation Series
Jesus said to them: "It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority." Acts 1:7
God did not give us books of prophecy so we could become a prophet and thereby predict the future. The book of Revelation is not given so we can predict who the Antichrist or the beast will be, nor is it given so we can predict the precise day and hour when the Lord will return.
History is full of those who thought they knew who the Antichrist would be or was. Men have said it was Napoleon, others Mussolini, others that it was Hitler, others John F. Kennedy because of the head wound by which he died. Some thought it was Ronald Wilson Reagan because the letters in his name numbered 666. Still others believed it was former advisor to Presidents, Henry Kissinger because he was from one of the countries of the Old Roman Empire and because he was so involved in seeking peace between the Israelis and Arabs some years ago.
An error to avoid in interpretation of Revelation is that of becoming “newspaper theologians” who try to superimpose current events on the timeline of Revelation. This approach can lead to date-setting, if one is not careful. Sadly, many people have been influenced by such “prophecy experts” whose predictions fail to come true.
There are differing viewpoints concerning the end times among faithful, Bible-believing Christians. Whichever view one takes, all Christians should be preparing themselves to meet Jesus Christ and be waiting with anticipation His return.
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Unlocking the Last Days
A Study of Revelation with PK
Worship 6:30
Study/Discussion 7pm
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