Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Forward Faith Finale

Forward Faith
These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect. Hebrews 11:39-40
Hebrews 11 has been called faith’s “Hall of Fame”. No doubt the author surprised his readers by this conclusion: these mighty Jewish heroes did not receive God’s total reward, because they died before Christ came.
We who have experienced God’s purposeful plan through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ should be EVEN GREATER examples of faithfulness because we know God’s ultimate truth!
As we conclude this “Forward Faith” series, I would like to commend YOU, one of the heroes in my personal “Hall of Faith” from Celebration Community Church who…
By faith you give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings to worship.
By faith you sign up to spend an hour in C3’s prayer room. (which will remain open)

By faith you make being a part of a small group a priority in your life.

By faith you give at least 10 percent of your income to Christ and His church.

By faith you teach your children to read God’s word.
By faith you disciple others and find joy in pouring your life into the lives of a few others.

By faith you dedicate time to to collect groceries on the Saturday before Thanksgiving and bag them on the night before to help feed people in need.
By faith you stick around for hours after church services to hang all of the Christmas decorations.
By faith you cut up donuts, prepare communion and greet guests outside the doors even when it is cold.
By faith you invite friends, coworkers, relatives and neighbors to church at Christmas time when they are open to receive your invitation.
By faith you … come to Unite Marriage Ministry events to become a better spouse. attend Celebrate Recovery to let go of your hurts, habits and hang-ups, make quilts to give to families who are hurting and in need of comfort, forgive those who have hurt you, discipline your children, take in an exchange student, accept rejection and mocking for Christ's sake, stand alone for God's honor when everyone else seems to be going with the crowd.

By faith you pray, read your Bible, worship God, serve Him by serving others and seek to share His Good News in word and deed and give generously to a Forward Faith Capital campaign. (If you haven’t yet you may still do so this Sunday)
It's all done by faith! Faith in what? Faith in the reality of who God is, what God has done and what God promised in His word to do. Faith is your heart's response to God's love and truth.
And remember this truth, that without faith it is impossible to please God….Hebrews 11:6
Your pastor and partner in ministry,
Bag Food
If you want to help sack groceries tonight (Wednesday) come to the Rose Garden Banquet Hall 2350 E. 8th St. at 5:30pm
And if you do not have a place to enjoy Thanksgiving dinner join Debbie and I at the Rose Garden at 12pm on Thursday.

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