Church consultants Brown Church Development Group (BCDG)
highlighted eight areas that healthy churches are growing in. Celebration
ranked extremely high in all eight areas. This week so far we have looked at:
Empowering Leadership, Gift Oriented Ministry, Passionate
Spirituality and Effective Structures.
Today we will focus on Inspiring Worship and Holistic Small
Worship services are to be personal and corporate encounters
with the living God and must be reflective of God’s Spirit moving in the midst
of it. I have long believed that if we as a church body are worshipping as the
scriptures instruct us to “in Spirit and in truth” then our worship services
should be infused with a balance of celebration,
inspiration and preparation for daily life.
Growing churches have a developed system of small groups where
individual Christians can find intimate community, practical help and authentic
spiritual dialogue. I have long quoted Rick Warren who says in order for our
church to grow larger, it must grow
smaller. Larger worship attendance comes because people are well connected in
smaller groups. I want to encourage
everyone reading this to make a commitment to get involved in some kind of C3
small group.
Tomorrow we will conclude the findings of Brown’s Growth
Positioning Study by looking at Need-Oriented Evangelism and Loving
Your pastor and partner in ministry,