Thursday, September 17, 2015

Forgive us…AS we forgive others

"This, then, is how you should pray:
Throughout this week we are looking at the Lord’s Prayer and how Jesus taught us to use it as a model for how to connect with Him in a personal and powerful way.
“Forgive us our sins, as we also have sinned against us”.
God forgives freely, instantly completely and repeatedly.
You don't earn it or deserve it, it's a free gift.
How do I get forgiveness? There are some things you don't do.
You don't have to beg. You don't say, "God, please, please, pretty please... forgive me!" Just be sincere.
You don't have to bargain. "God, if You'll forgive me this time I will never do it again." Ha! If that's your area of weakness you'll be back there in 24 hours. Forgiveness is not a promise to be perfect. Forgiveness is saying, "God, I admit it was wrong.
You don't have to bribe. "God, if You'll forgive me, I'll read my Bible every day. ... I'll tithe 20%. ... I'll even work in the Children’s Sunday School!!!."
All you have to do is just believe. Believe that what Jesus Christ did on the cross was for you, and accept that gift and that your sins have been paid for.
Who are you still needing to forgive? A parent? A husband/wife? A former spouse? A friend who betrayed you? Let it go! For your own sake, let it go! Resentment and and unforgiveness is like a cancer that eats you up from the inside. Do the right thing whether you feel like it or not. You need to let it go.
You say, " Pastor Kyle I can't! I just can't forgive."
That's why you need Jesus Christ who through His power you can do all things.
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

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