Monday, October 19, 2015


Forward Faith

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."   John 15:5 (NIV)
I have often used the expression “Make a life..not just a living” To me that means that in our lives  we can't be satisfied with just making a living, we must feel that we're making a difference!  Try it - just bring home a paycheck.  Nothing else, nothing more.  Even if the paycheck is twice as much as you are bringing home right now, it won't satisfy.   I know some of you are thinking "I'd sure like to try."  But the truth is, we need to make a difference.  Jesus gives us a promise that tells us the secret to really making a difference in this world.  The secret is “remaining or abiding in Christ.”  What does that mean?  There are 4 aspects of abiding in John 15:
*Be aware of how much you need Him. "Apart from me you can do for Jesus.  nothing!"
*Allow His word to mold your life ­ ­
*Seek to please God
*Ask for His help through prayer
Jesus is calling us branches. You are chosen to be significant - to bear  fruit that will last.” Lasting fruit means changed lives, new hope, real impact upon people's hurts.  It is drawing people's attention to the eternal love of God, changing someone's eternal destiny by introducing them to the opportunity we all have to place faith in Jesus Christ.
Family Discussion Question: What can you do today to bear fruit?
Your pastor and partner in ministry,

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