Monday, February 8, 2016

Football Sunday


Throughout this last week leading up to the Super Bowl I have been thinking about how a church going person of faith and football player are similar. Rick McDaniel wrote in his blog, “ A football team requires each player to put his personal agenda below the teams. He learns that unless each player fulfills his role on offense, defense and special teams the entire team will suffer. Self-centeredness must give way to serving the team”.

There is much in the Bible that supports the qualities needed for playing football. Many stories in the Bible tell of battles, of perseverance and of commitment. Romans 8:29 tells us God wants our character to be formed like Jesus and football can certainly be a character building experience.

There is a myth that If you are a tough, hard working guy, a high achieving alpha male or a fun-loving adventurer you can't be a real Christ follower. Nothing could be further from the truth. Moses, Nehemiah, David, Daniel, Peter and Paul were all true men of integrity, real leaders who got things done for God. Jesus' bold leadership, blunt honesty and strong actions are what drew so many followers to Him. Remember when Jesus went into the temple and cleaned house?  That is no meek and mild man. McDaniel wrote, “How the Church and Christianity got to this place where people think that the church is not a place for real men is a long story. Suffice to say that this feminization has created a situation where aggression, which is so natural to a man, is viewed with disdain.”  Football appeals to many men because it is aggressive, tough and filled with risk.  As a man of God I want to fight for what is right and I enjoy the challenge of doing it.

I am so proud of the many men of C3 who are man enough to surrender their wills and follow their Savior Jesus Christ.

Your pastor and partner in ministry,


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