Friday, June 5, 2015

Be a Barnabas

In the NBC Miniseries A.D. and in the Book of Acts, we hear about a Levite from Cyprus named Joses whom the apostles called Barnabas. That nickname, translated means “Son of Encouragement. It was probably given to him because of his inclination to serve others and his willingness to do whatever church leaders needed. He is referred to as a “good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith.” Through his ministry, “a great number of people were brought to the Lord”. The Book of Acts uses Barnabas as an example of one with a proper perspective on money and property. When he sold his land, he brought the proceeds to the apostles and laid it at their feet. Barnabas is an example of a generous spirit when it comes to giving sacrificially to the work of the Lord.

Like Barnabas, as Christians we are called to be encouragers, particularly of those who are weak in the faith or struggling. In the Book of Acts we see Barnabas as a man who was delighted to see others exhibiting the grace of God in their lives, encouraging them to remain faithful. In the same way, we should look for opportunities to praise and encourage those who bring glory and honor to God through lives that reflect their faith.

This Sunday in all four services at C3 I will be sharing how we can be a Barnabas in the lives of those around us.

Your pastor and partner in ministry,

Hope and Anchor
Please plan to join us for our summer ladies brunch!
The brunch will be potluck.
Sat., June 13; 10 am – 12 pm; Celebration Community Church

You may RSVP by selecting "going" in the Facebook event page or email us at

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